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The Legend of Georgia McBride 6th Street Playhouse, Santa Rosa March 5 & 6, 2pm, 500 Castro St., Mountain View. The celebrated operetta company celebrates 150 years of Gilbert & Sullivan with a concert of scenes from all 14 of the duo's comic operas. Lamplighters Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts Touring company of the popular award-winning hit musical about Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons runs March 1-13. San Francisco Bay Area Theatre Company's third return of the rousing music, dance play that weaves the perspectives and experiences of American BIPOC artists with poetry, song, music and movement, with original compositions by Othello Jefferson. I, Too, Sing America Brava! for Women in the Arts Will Arbery's Obie-winning and Pulitzer-finalist drama, a bracingly revelatory red state meditation about racism and clashing politics. Heroes of the Fourth Turning SF Playhouse The special-effects-filled stage play about a mystery at Hogwarts returns in a new shortened two-act version. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Curran Theater

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The North Bay company performs James Rado & Gerome Ragni and composer Galt McDermott's classic '60s 'tribal love rock musical.' $30. The 'high-flying love story' weaves local history with acrobatic theatrics and live music by The 7 Fingers company, now with new cast members extended through summer 2022.

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